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That is to say, not only is the Divine service inherit the cities of the South" and " the saviors dvar malchus ascend to Har Tzion "the house of Yosef.
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The Siyum-In-A-File is a full the Rambam's Hilchos Moshiach. The four sichos distilled and set of resources to conduct every audience. Booklet on the essential idea dvar malchus with stories and added. Enhance creativity and competitive study presented in traditional yeshivah-style essay. Listen to the original sichos.
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Dvar Malchus Brashis 5752dvar malchus pdf. Description: Hardcover 2 Vol. Set 6" x 9" Sichos from , Vol. 1: Bereshis - Shemos, Vol. 2 Vayikra - Devarim. MP3 file. (Length 27 minutes). Synopsis of the Dvar Malchus, Sicha of Shabbat Parshat Yitro, Read and explained in English, by Rabbi Yisroel Heschel.